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  • IRM 100 standard silica is the designation for a special silica used for calibration and verification of test instruments according to ASTM and ISO procedures. 


  • IRM 100 is specifically prepared as a standard for quality control monitoring of typical silica properties.


  • Companies that produce or consume silica, rubber companies, test device producers and quality control labs will find IRM100 to be important as a stable silica with known properties.


  • IRM 100 standard silica allows silica users to verify the quality of incoming silica.


  • IRM 100 standard silica will be an exact means of resolving complaint issues between silica users and silica producers.


  • Allows laboratories to determine if they are operating in an "in control" manner; by the use of the +/- 2 sigma within laboratory limits.

Industry Reference Material, IRM 100, is a new precipitated silica standard for calibration purposes.

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